Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

Jeremias Düring, Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Jeremias Düring is a member of the DFG Research Training Group Transformations of Science and Technology since 1800.

Kasinostraße 19-21
42103 Wuppertal
room 21, sixth floor
email: jeremias.duering at uni-wuppertal dot de

Areas of specialisation: Scientific Pluralism; Economic Methodology; Migration Ethics
Areas of competence: Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Economics; Political Philosophy

I am working on a PhD project titled "Pluralism in Economic Thought? On Scientific Pluralism and its Implications for Contemporary Economics“. I aim to further elaborate a systematisation of different understandings of scientific pluralism, which will then be applied to the pluralism debate in economics. After discussing the so-called neoclassical paradigm and several alternative approaches, I will seek explanations for the overwhelming dominance of neoclassical economics. Among other things, this development will be analysed with recourse to a historical institutionalist understanding of path dependency.

For a CV and further information, please visit the GRK website.